
合资 50-150人 专业服务(咨询、人力资源、财会)


a leading professional service firm is inviting high caliber professional to apply the position of: 于1993年进入中国的杰迈.晶雅人力资源有限公司是最早独立进行人事招募及相关服务的机构之一。由于在人事工作方面始终兢兢业业提高质量的服务,我们获得了人事局专门颁发的人事许可证。杰迈.晶雅已经为上海,北京,广州,深圳以及其他各大城市的400多个外资企业提供了短期员工、合同制员工及正式员工的招募及人才输送服务,其服务领域包括: 快速消费品制造商 银行 电信 信息技术 重工业设备制造商 机械/电子设备制造商 造纸和包装 法律 医药 石油化工 审计/保险/金融 汽车 广告/传媒/公关 国际贸易 传输/船运 以及其他诸多领域 在过去三年中我们每年平均提供职位300个。高职位,甚或***的管理职位,应有尽有。我们的服务对象中不乏华侨和学成归国人士。 凭着丰富的经验,熟练的实际操作,以及敬业的职业精神,我们能向每一位客户确保高质量的服务。这不仅是我们目前已经取得并力争保持的成就,更是激励着我们不断提高,不断完善自身的努力方向。 无论客户需要怎么样的人事服务,我们都会尽我们所能去满足。 established in hong kong in 1983 gemini personnel is a division of the gemini group of companies and is hong kong's leading recruitment company with offices in hong kong, shanghai, beijing, guangzhou & shenzhen. j.m.gemini's clients consist of multinationals, banks and finance companies, as well as small to medium-sized enterprises across all industries. we are specialized, but not limited to the following industries: manufacturing telecommunications heavy industrial equipment mftg paper & packaging industries pharmaceutical/medical companies audit/insurance/financial institutions advertising/media/pr agencies transportation/logistics/shipping companies it industry mechanical/electrical equipment mftg legal profession chemical/petro-chemical industry automotive industry building and construction industry international trading companies retail/fmcg engineering and many others we provide below service: --permanent recruitment --temporary & contract --executive search & selection --payroll and compensations and benefits administration solutions remuneration will be commensurate with qualification and work experience. interested parties, please forward your resume with expected remuneration to us. duplicate applications will not be considered. www.jmgemini.com www.gemini.com.hk www.i-five.com.cn

公司地址:广州 (邮编:000000)